How to Turn Off Cortana in Windows 10
Cortana is one of the next generation applications of Windows 10. However, some users are not satisfied with this application. The main reason for this is the claim that Cortana has been verbalized. There are many claims that Cortana has provided many information such as your location, emails, correspondence to Microsoft. Therefore, some users may wish to remain in doubt and disable the Cortana application. But Cortana is not spyware. Only artificial intelligence provided by Microsoft is a study assistant. Personally, I do not recommend lifting Cortana. However, you can temporarily disable Cortana. Removing Cortana completely may cause some problems in the start menu and search console. However, if you still want to remove Cortana, there are several ways to do this.
First of all, you can use WinAero, which is one of the second party software. To uninstall Cortana, download the WinAero program and start the cmd file inside, it is enough to remove Cortana. Restart your computer after removal. However, as you said before, uninstalling Cortana can cause some problems on your computer, and you may need to reinstall Windows 10 to fix them.
You can also use the registry to remove Cortana in Windows 10. Just follow the steps below.
-Open Regedit via Start menu
-Scroll to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows Windows Search to this tab.
-Right-click in the right field and follow the steps New> value to create a new folder called Windows Search.
-When creating the new folder, be sure to name it Yeni Windows Search..
-Then create a new value in the right field with New DWORD (32-bit).
-Set the name of the new value to AllowCortana and click on it to set it to 0.
-Reset your computer.
Tags: turn off cortana, how to turn off cortana, turn off cortana windows 10