suffered a fatal communication error with the windows process activation service

suffered a fatal communication error with the windows process activation service


suffered a fatal communication error with the windows process activation service


Analyze a worker process that is not responding.

One of the following signs could be present in a worker process that is unresponsive:


Pinging error.

WAS and communication breakdown.

Time-out for worker process launch.

Time-out for worker process stoppage.

failure of the worker process orphan action.

Consult one or more of the following resources to troubleshoot a worker process that isn't responding:


How to troubleshoot an IIS process that has stopped responding using the Debug Diagnostics tool

How to diagnose a memory leak in an IIS process using the IIS Debug Diagnostics tool

How to utilize IIS Verify's Debug Diagnostics Tool to debug a process's high CPU consumption


You need to be a member of Administrators or have been given the necessary authorization to carry out this procedure. In order to confirm that an application pool has launched: After selecting Control Panel from the Start menu, click Administrative Tools. Click the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and choose Run as administrator from the context menu. Expand the server node in the Connections pane and choose Application Pools. If the application pool has started, Started will appear in the Status column for the application pool in Features View.


Remove this from your config file


<!--Bug in EPiServer. Will not set up listener if no client is configured. Will be removed when fix is ready-->

<customBinding xdt:Transform=Insert>

<binding name=RemoteEventsBinding>

<binaryMessageEncoding />

<myCustomudpTransport multicast=True />




Tags: suffered a fatal communication error with the windows process activation service
